
Message from Vicar

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..

George Washington, one day, had a tempting opportunity to preach a sermon on loving your neighbor. He was riding across the farmlands with a company of gentlemen, when the last horse over a stone fence knocked over a number of stones, leaving a large opening. Washington suggested that they stop and repair it, but the others shrugged their shoulders; so he said nothing more, and rode on with them. When the party disbanded, one of them, riding homeward, found Washington back in the farmer’s fence, carefully replacing the stones. ‘Oh, General,’ chattered the man, ‘You are too big a man to be doing a thing like that.’ ‘No,’ answered Washington, gravely inspecting his work, ‘I’m just the right size.’ Washington was preaching his sermon in the universal language of action. Words would have bored the farmer no end, but the deed of neighborliness spoke for itself. (Reference: Streams in the desert by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman).

Action speaks more than words. This is a time to act because words are not enough to create an impact on the people who are struggling to maintain a normal life. As a parish we need to support our fellow worshippers in their hardships. Let us work together for the fulfillment of God's Kingdom.

I am thankful to Mar Thoma Church as a whole and particularly to His Grace the Most Rev Dr Theodosius Marthoma Metropolitan and Rt Rev Dr Euyakim Mar Coorilos Suffragan Metropolitan and the Diocesan Bishop Rt Rev Joseph Mar Barnabas Suffragan Metropolitan for their faith in my ministry.

I acknowledge the support and care of our former Vicar Rev. Shibu Abraham John and Sheeja Kochamma. Rev Ajay T. Oommen is a blessing to this parish and let Almighty strengthen him for the days to come. I am indebted to the prayers and supports of Office Bears, Committee members, different organizations and all the parishioners. We, as a family humbly seek your continuous prayers and support.

Let Almighty shower His blessing for the coming days.

With Prayers

Rev. M. J. Cherian

Worship Timing

7:30 pm Thursdays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (Malayalam)
7:30 am 2nd Fridays
Holy Qurbana Service (English)

Verse of the Day

2 Samuel 21:20 - "And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant."

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